Sunday, March 27, 2011

Seen it all before.

I was going to go on a long roll about my worst week ever, about how I sense it's an ill omen for the rest of the year although you may slap me and reassure me it's nothing like that, about how down I feel thanks to the stupid Lab Demonstrator and for losing something so precious with the blink of an eye, and for the past to return with a huge potential of extending this very unbelievable four-year period issue. Oh and for missing a party with Andy Murphy in the house baby ! Grrrrrrr.

And on a roll I actually did go. Oops (: How very 'me' of me. I always say to myself, my blog carries no weight whatsoever and is a waste of space and yet I cannot bring myself to delete it. Also I tell myself after every emotional post, "Okay, no more posts with slimy gloom
drooping from and infiltrating every corner from now." Time to change the atmosphere up a little bit. But no time to change the atmosphere a little bit! Although when I'm stuck in a claustrophobic cage of sadness I have time to discuss about it and drag everybody in my vicinity along. Silly, boring me (:

Yes, the new chatbox. It's up. So the next thing to do would be to publicize this blog. Somehow I don't really want to. I love this anonymity. We'll see how it goes.

I'm still so angry with that annoying demonstrator. I will prove myself better than you one fine day and shall be kind to future students I come across. Hmf.


You lift my feet off the ground, you spin me around... You make me crazier, crazier...
